
Coming to dog shows near you –  professional dog handlers.com

Our plan is to build a showcase for dog handlers to market themselves and promote the sport. Since many dog handlers are on the road at dog shows most of the time, the site will contain a contact management system so you can keep up with inquires on the road.

The tools on this site are also being designed to integrate with your existing web site if you have one. If you don’t have a web site, this can be it, including either professionaldoghandlers.com/yourname or yourname.com pointed at just your content.

For less than you are paying for lunch at your next dog show, you can be promoting your handling to the world on our site.  Register now to get started.

One response to “About”

  1. Could anyone tell me how to go about finding a dog handler in Las Vegas for a rottweiler? He’s only 9 months old, but we’d like to show him if it will entertain him and his active mind, and we’d like to get a professional involved sooner rather than later.



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