Daily food intake varies for dogs of all ages and it could be detrimental to their health if you decide to feed them all the same food. Feeding puppies the right way is a particularly important task since dog health and muscle-development predominantly depends on the nutrition intake during their puppyhood.

Here are certain dos and don’ts to follow when you feed puppies.

1. Stay clear of corn and wheat Let’s face it – dogs were never meant to have wheat and grains. If you closely inspect their teeth, they have naturally designed canines to rip into flesh but no molars to grind wheat and grains. Thus, do not try feeding your puppies with bread, rice or flakes. Dogs might take a liking to these dishes but their gastro-intestinal health will eventually suffer. Moreover, problems like vomiting and constipation might occur in some cases.

2. Switch over to new food gradually No dog-owner or dealer is going to hand you a pup the day it is born. At most, they shall let you have it after at least a week or two. Hence, you must make sure you know the dietary intake of your puppy before it was brought to you. Do not suddenly introduce your puppy to new food. Instead, continue with the old food for a few days and very gradually start changing the food such that it does not have an effect to your pup’s health.

3. Avoid table-scraps at all costs Your puppy must never be with you during mealtime. Not only does your food lack the nutrients that your pup needs, but it also makes your pup start begging and this can make housetraining very difficult. It might seem cute to have your puppy with you at the dining table, but trust us, when it eventually grows up and tries to put its paw into your plate, you will not find it as amusing! Treats must be confined to one or two servings a day, with only dried dog biscuits or cookies.

4. Arrange a feeding schedule Do not toss in a couple of dog biscuits into the dog bowl and let your puppy feed itself when it feels so. You must arrange meal scheduling so that your pup is accustomed to having food at a particular time during the day. Proper meal scheduling is important for you to housetrain your pup. Feeding puppies small meals six times a day is considered a good idea at the beginning. This can then be altered by increasing the quantity of food and decreasing meal-times as your dog grows up.

5. Make sure your pup has lots of water. Water is very important for your pup’s health. You must make sure there is a water bowl containing filtered water always for him to drink. There is no limit on how much water your pup has in a day. However, if your pup has noticeably more or less water than usual, you must consult your vet immediately.

Keeping these pointers in mind, we are sure you will enjoy feeding puppies and watch them grow up into healthy and beautiful dogs.

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