Need I say more? Most of you will know what a puppy mill is and are as disgusted by this type of breeder as am I. Puppy Mills have multiple breeds, with hundreds of dogs that live 24/7 in cages (which is NOT a dog crate), and they live only to breed. A bitch’s first season will produce a litter, which if it lives great, if they die, oh well.

These animals rarely see veterinary care except for maybe required shots, and have little to no human interaction. Puppy Mills are supposed to be regulated by the USDA and puppies born at a Puppy Mill are sold at sanctioned USDA auctions for little to no money. They are in turn sold at pet stores for thousands of dollars. Considering the puppies get to the pet store at 8 weeks or so the cost to care for them while at the pet store is minimal so the majority of their cost is pure profit.

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